Quality recommendation for older people strive to increase the number of healthy and active years of life

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 28.2.2024 13.41 | Published in English on 29.2.2024 at 14.58
Press release

The quality recommendation for older people strives to guarantee the active ageing and functional capacity of older people along with sustainable services. The quality recommendation is a tool for planning, developing and assessing services for older people. The recommendation is also intended for older people themselves and their families and other people close to them.

The aim of the quality recommendation is, among other things, to promote the activity and functional capacity of older people and their participation in voluntary activities. The recommendation also seeks to support the use of technology, the age-friendliness of housing and sustainable services. 

Work ability of those working in services for older people must be supported

The number of older people and their proportion of the population will grow sharply over the next two decades. According to Statistics Finland, people aged 75 years or over accounted for about ten per cent of the population in Finland in 2021. The number is forecast to grow to 14 per cent in 2030 and to 16 per cent in 2040.  

Demographic trends will considerably increase the number of older people in need of health and social services during this decade, and they will also affect the service system’s ability to provide adequate services. In 2023, slightly over 80,000 people worked in services for older people, and in 2027, we will need approximately 14,200 workers more. 

It is not possible to meet such a rapidly growing need for personnel. For this reason, the service structure must be changed so that services can be provided by using the personnel that is available. In addition, it is important to support and strengthen the work ability of those working in services for older people. 

Preventive measures are important

The quality recommendation contributes to the implementation of the Government Programme, which aims to ensure that people have the opportunity to increase their knowledge and competence, find work, live on their pay or pension and pursue a good life on their own terms.
In accordance with the Government Programme, the quality recommendation aims to ensure that older people can retain their functional capacity for longer. The idea is that preventive activities and services help increase the number of good and active years of life.

“Ageing should be dignified and meaningful. Ageing is much more than being cared for and being fragile. Older people must have the same opportunities to participate in society than everybody else, knowing, however, that they will get support when they need it,” says Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kaisa Juuso.  

The quality recommendation was drawn up by an intersectoral working group, which consisted of members from different ministries, wellbeing services counties, municipalities and organisations. In addition to the Government Programme, the quality recommendation supports the implementation of the Act on Care Services for Older Persons and the Social Welfare Act. The previous quality recommendation for older people was issued in 2020.


Seija Viljamaa, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 163 609, 

Satu Karppanen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 163 549 
