Restaurant restrictions to be lifted as of 1 March

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 24.2.2022 13.22 | Published in English on 24.2.2022 at 13.35
Type:Press release 52/2022

The Government has on repealed section 3, subsection 3 and sections 4 and 6 of the decree (1223/2021) that restricts the activities of food and beverage service businesses due to the COVID-19 epidemic. This means that the restrictions on the opening and alcohol serving hours as well as restrictions on the number of customers and customer seats in restaurants will be lifted.

The amendment to the decree will enter into force throughout the country on 1 March 2022. Restrictions on food and beverage services will need to be reconsidered if the epidemiological situation changes and the burden on hospitals increases considerably.

Obligation for restaurants to observe the general hygiene guidelines applies in all regions

The obligation to observe the general hygiene guidelines and to keep a safe distance will remain in force in all regions until the end of March.

  • Food and beverage service businesses must clearly inform people arriving there that a person with symptoms consistent with a COVID-19 infection is not allowed to enter the premises. 
  • In particular, food and beverage businesses must make sure that there is no unnecessary congestion in their premises and that customers and parties can enter the premises while maintaining a safe distance from one another.
  • Food and beverage service businesses must ensure that the premises and surfaces are cleaned and that customers are given the opportunity to clean their hands.
  • Food and beverage service businesses must draw up a written plan on how to implement the obligations and restrictions laid down for their activities and the use of their indoor and outdoor facilities.


Taneli Puumalainen, Director General, [email protected] 
Pekka Paaermaa, Senior Specialist, [email protected]

The Regional State Administrative Agencies will answer questions concerning the practical implementation of the restrictions.