Resolutions to reduce emissions from air traffic and maritime and inland waterway transport sent out for comments

The two resolutions consolidate the Government's shared view on the means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from air traffic and maritime and inland waterway transport. They also outline Finland's priorities for exerting influence internationally and targets for reducing emissions. The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments by 15 January 2021.
The resolutions are based on the drafting of the roadmap for fossil-free transport, which was the first national analysis of emission reduction possibilities and their effects, covering a wide range of transport modes, including air traffic and maritime and inland waterway transport. The emission reduction measures discussed in the resolutions are divided into measures to facilitate the transition to alternative fuels and propulsion technologies, measures to promote energy efficiency in the transport system and the means of transport, and measures to reform the pricing system. In addition to the opportunities and objectives of exerting influence internationally, the resolutions discuss national actions, too.
Ambitious emission reduction measures are needed to meet the targets
The 2000s have seen a surge in emissions from air traffic in Finland. Meeting climate targets calls for the introduction of new and effective ways to cut back emissions in Finland, in the EU and globally within ICAO. The draft government resolution on air traffic proposes a target to reduce emissions from domestic air traffic and from international air traffic departing from Finland by 15% from 2018 levels by 2030 and by 50% by 2045. These targets were deemed attainable when the roadmap for fossil-free transport was drafted. However, they will require the introduction of ambitious emission reduction measures. Increasing significantly the use of renewable aviation fuels plays a key role in national and international decision-making to reduce emissions from air traffic.
The progress in cutting emissions from Finnish maritime and inland waterway transport has been slow in recent years, and the sector is a long way from meeting its international targets, too. The draft resolution proposes a number of measures to facilitate the transition to alternative fuels and propulsion technologies in maritime transport and to support energy-efficiency improvements in existing vessels and the development of new, low-emission vessels. In addition to renewing maritime fleets and deploying technical means to reduce emissions from existing vessels, there is a need to address the overall operation of water transport systems to reduce emissions from vessels at sea and in harbour.
"Despite the urgency of emission reductions, it is important that we do not add significantly to the cost burden of transport sectors until they are recovering from the severe market disturbance caused by the coronavirus pandemic," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.
Both international air traffic and maritime transport are expected to recover in a few years to pre-pandemic levels.
"However, we must recover from the state of emergency and revitalise transport in ways that will lead to a permanent downward trend in emissions," Minister Harakka says.
Next steps
The draft resolutions will be circulated for comments until 15 January 2021. The requests for opinions are available online at Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment online or by email to [email protected].
Following the consultation round, the preparations of the government resolutions will continue by Ministry officials. The resolutions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport (draft roadmap for fossil-free transport), from air traffic and from maritime and inland waterway transport should be adopted in early 2021.
Päivi Antikainen, Director of Unit, tel. +358 50 382 7101, Twitter @PaiviAntikainen
Janne Mänttäri, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 40 069 3544, Twitter @janne_manttari (resolution on air traffic)
Eero Hokkanen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 476 0401, Twitter @eerohokkanen (resolution on maritime and inland waterway transport) Resolution on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from air traffic (in Finnish) Resolution on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from maritime and inland waterway transport (in Finnish)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Roadmap to fossil-free transport (LVM050:00/2019) (in Finnish)