Client fees for early childhood education and care will be lowered.

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 9.1.2023 11.00 | Published in English on 9.1.2023 at 11.05
News item

The income thresholds on which the fees are based will be raised by 33%. The legislative amendment enters into force 1 March 2023.

The purpose of lower client fees is to boost the purchasing power of families with children and to give support to low income and medium income families with children, since living costs are higher and electricity prices have hiked. It is hoped that lower fees will also bring about a higher participation rate in early childhood education and care.

As a result of the amendment, approximately 30,000 families will be entitled to free early childhood education and care.

Inquiries: Tarja Kahiluoto, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 2953 30386

Family size and income thresholds as of 1 March 2023

Early childhood education and care Education