EUR 8 billion budget proposal for the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2024

The Ministry of Education and Culture’s proportion of the 2024 budget proposal is EUR 8.0 billion, which is EUR 274 million more than in the 2023 Budget. The budget proposal implements the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government by raising the level of education and competence of the entire population. The measures in the budget proposal aim to strengthen the effectiveness of science and improve the conditions for conducting research and development. They will advance many methods of creating and leveraging arts and culture, and promote active lifestyles for all age groups.
Early childhood education and care, pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and liberal adult education
The Ministry’s proposal includes EUR 823.4 million for early childhood education and care and pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education, which is EUR 100 million less than was allocated in the 2023 Budget. This decrease is large explained by a decline in demand for appropriations that covered the early childhood education and care and preparatory education for comprehensive school education for Ukrainians.
Due to measures decided in the Government Programme, an increase of EUR 50 million is proposed for developing primary and lower secondary education and early childhood education and care. This increase would be allocated as discretionary government grants to measures promoting educational equity in early childhood education and care and pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education. In addition, one million euros is proposed for the payment of expenditure and grants arising from the addition of one weekly lesson per year in accordance with a previous decision.
EUR 168.3 million is proposed for funding liberal adult education. In accordance with the Government Programme, the appropriation would include an increase of EUR 3 million for compulsory education provided by folk high schools and a reduction of EUR 20.5 million in central government transfers for liberal adult education compared with the 2023 Budget. An increase of one million euros is proposed for providing integration training in Swedish in 2024. In addition, the level of grants for women's organisations will be raised by EUR 0.4 million
“The Government will make significant investments in early childhood education and care and primary and lower secondary education. We are committed to ensuring high-quality and equal educational opportunities for every child and young person. Funding to strengthen equity will even out differences between schools and ensure that schools can have more staff. This will help create a calm learning environment for both students and teachers,” says Minister of Education Anna-Maja Henriksson.
Upper secondary education
EUR 1,418 million is proposed for vocational education and training and general upper secondary education, which is EUR 74.6 million more than in the 2023 Budget.
The budget proposal includes EUR 2,164 million in central government transfers to municipalities for vocational education and training and EUR 847 million for general upper secondary education. In addition to central government funding, the figures include a municipal self-financing proportion, which accounts for EUR 1,130 million for vocational education and training and EUR 453 million for general upper secondary education.
Appropriations for vocational and general upper secondary education will also be used to finance preparatory education for programmes leading to an upper secondary qualification, which was launched in 2022. The appropriation level reserved for implementing the extension of compulsory education and for continuing the reform to provide upper secondary education free of charge will rise to EUR 129 million, with the fourth age group now falling within the scope of the reform.
The budget proposal includes an additional appropriation of EUR 10 million for developing a learning support system for upper secondary education, aimed at providing a clear and seamless system of support that extends from the transition point to the completion of upper secondary education.
“The Government's objective is to ensure that every student gets sufficient support for progressing in their studies. By investing in diverse ways to support students, we can help them make choices about their education at transition points, reduce drop-out rates, improve students' capabilities for attaining a qualification and strengthen their wellbeing,” says Minister of Education Anna-Maja Henriksson.
Higher education institutions and research
The Ministry proposes that EUR 3,706 million be allocated for tertiary education tuition and for research, which is EUR 214.9 million more than in the 2023 Budget.
The Ministry is committed to increasing the number of young adults with higher education degrees to as close to 50 per cent as possible by 2030. To promote this objective, EUR 11.7 million is proposed for 2024 to increase the available intake of higher education institutions.
It is also proposed that core funding for higher education institutions be increased by EUR 152 million in line with rising costs. EUR 40 million is proposed for universities for their researcher training pilot in 2024.
As measures to strengthen general government finances, the Ministry proposes raising the regulated maximum fees for open education offered by universities and universities of applied sciences and the minimum tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students. Central government funding for higher education institutions would be reduced correspondingly. Moreover, transferring the compensations for healthcare and social welfare traineeships will reduce central government funding for universities of applied sciences by EUR 12 million from 2024 onwards. This task and the related funding have been transferred to the administrative branch of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
EUR 515.9 million is proposed as a research project authority (incl. funding for the Strategic Research Council) for the Research Council of Finland, which is EUR 32.7 million more than in the 2023 Budget. EUR 40 million in additional funding would be directed to research flagships, EUR 10 million to the effectiveness of researched information, and EUR 5 million to national research infrastructure. Extensive utilisation and openness of research materials, research results and expertise will be promoted.
“I am pleased that we can take these steps to rapidly strengthen the Finnish research and innovation system, for example through doctoral education and the Research Council of Finland’s flagship programme. By increasing the available intake of higher education institutions, we are responding to the shortage of skilled labour and raising the level of education in Finland,” says Minister of Science and Culture Sari Multala.
It is proposed that EUR 870 million be used for student financial aid, of which EUR 526.6 million would be incurred from study grant and housing supplement expenditure. According to the Government Programme, no index adjustments will be made to the amounts of basic social security benefits in 2024–2027, which means that the amounts of study grants will remain at the 2023 level.
As loan amounts have increased, the amount of loans payable by the central government as guarantor, the amount of payment exemptions and the use of interest assistance have also grown. It is therefore proposed that more funds (EUR 200 million) be allocated to cover the expenditure arising from the government guarantee for student loans.
The meal subsidy costs for higher education students will amount to EUR 39.5 million. An appropriation of EUR 104.2 million will be reserved for the subsidy for school journeys, accounting for factors such as the increase in the share of public transport covered by the Waltti ticket and payment system.
“Income security of full-time students will continue to consist of study grant, student loan and housing allowance. To secure the purchasing power and sufficiency of student financial aid for full-time students, we will draw up a government proposal to be submitted with the amendment to the budget proposal. The percentage of student loan of the student financial aid will increase and a general increase will be made to the family provider increment to the study grant. In addition, the Government will launch a comprehensive reform of student financial aid with the aim of securing income during studies, strengthening the incentives of student financial aid and supporting completion of studies within the target time,” says Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity Sandra Bergqvist.
Arts and culture
Approximately EUR 549 million is proposed for the appropriations for arts and culture, which is around EUR 16 million less than in 2023. The decrease is mainly due to reduced structural support from the temporary Recovery and Resilience Plan, ending of the one-off renovation grant for Turku Cathedral, elimination of one-off increases for Parliament and change in the level of compensation for gambling proceeds. EUR 4 million of the reductions are savings in discretionary government grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture, implemented in accordance with the Government Programme.
Based on earlier decisions, central government has made provision to fund the European Capital of Culture 2026 project by up to EUR 20 million, of which EUR 2.8 million is allocated for 2024.
The appropriation for compensating for the reproduction of works for private use will remain at the 2023 level at EUR 11 million. This appropriation includes EUR 16.6 million for the remuneration for lending to authors of protected works and for the costs of organising it. The appropriation also includes an increase of one million euros to cover e-lending compensation.
Sport services
Around EUR 165 million is proposed in appropriations for sports and physical activity, which is EUR 10.2 million more than in the 2023 Budget. Savings in discretionary government grants account for 2.8 million euros of the reductions.
The Ministry proposes that EUR 20 million per year be earmarked annually for increasing physical activity from 2024 onwards. The appropriation would be used to implement a cross-administrative action plan to boost physically active lifestyles and functional capacity. Sports, physical activity and elite sports will be promoted in accordance with the Government Programme, paying particular attention to strengthening equality, non-discrimination and responsibility.
“With the extensive, cross-administrative Finland on the Move programme, we are committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to get physically active and improve their functional capacity. In addition to the wellbeing of individuals, physical activity produces a sense of togetherness. All this is of enormous importance to Finnish society. I am very happy that the Government will increase its funding to combat sedentary lifestyles,” says Minister Bergqvist.
Youth work
A sum of EUR 74 million is proposed to the appropriations for youth work, which is EUR 4 million less than in the 2023 Budget. The decrease is mainly explained by the ending of temporary additional investments made during the previous government term. Savings in discretionary government grants account for one million euros of the reductions.
Young people's wellbeing will be supported in accordance with the Government Programme. The Ministry will invest in children's and young people's leisure activities and in youth work carried out in schools and educational institutions, which play an important preventive role.
“Youth work and youth policy seek to create opportunities for young people to live a good life. Young people's wellbeing is more polarised than before. Their social exclusion and growing malaise are among the biggest challenges in our society, and it is important to prevent problems as early as possible. I am pleased that the Government has allocated overall responsibility to the Ministry of Education and Culture for directing the work to promote young people's wellbeing. These efforts will continue to require measures across ministry boundaries,” says Minister Bergqvist.
Veikkaus' proceeds transferred to the Budget
The new financing model for non-profit activities which used to be financed with proceeds from gambling will be put in place at the beginning of 2024. Veikkaus' proceeds will be recognised as universal government income and allocated for paying any items without earmarking.
Budget items have been restructured by removing the items reserved for using the gambling proceeds and by transferring the appropriations to universal items.
Budget proposal 2024 (in Finnish)
Government proposals submitted in connection with the budget proposal
Government proposal to Parliament for an act amending section 2 of the Act on Central Government Funding for the Evangelical Lutheran Church for Certain Societal Functions and section 119 of the Act on the Orthodox Church
It is proposed that the amount of central government funding for the Evangelical Lutheran Church and discretionary government grants paid to the Orthodox Church be limited by one percentage point in 2024–2027 as part of the adjustment of general government expenditure.
Government proposal to Parliament for an act amending the Copyright Act (compensation for library use of e-books and e-audiobooks)
The Government proposes that the Copyright Act be amended. Provisions on the compensation for the communication of e-books and e-audiobooks to the public in public libraries and libraries of higher education institutions would be added to the Act. This would be a compensation for library use of e-books and e-audiobooks.
Government proposal to Parliament for an act on index adjustments of certain benefits and amounts linked to the national pension index and the cost-of-living index in 2024–2027
Since study grants will not be increased in line with inflation, the amounts of study grant will remain at the level of 1 August 2023.
- Anita Lehikoinen, Permanent Secretary, tel. +358 295 330 182
- Eeva-Riitta Pirhonen, Director General (primary and lower secondary education, early childhood education and care, liberal adult education), tel. +358 295 330 258
- Petri Lempinen, Director General (vocational education and training, general upper secondary education), tel. + 358 295 330 180
- Erja Heikkinen, Director General, (higher education and science), tel. +358 295 330 101
- Riitta Kaivosoja, Director General (culture and arts policy and basic education in the arts), tel. +358 295 330 129
- Esko Ranto, Director General (youth and sport policy, student financial aid), tel. +358 295 330 115
- Pasi Rentola, Director of Finance (general financial planning), tel. +358 295 330 211
- Timo Ertola, Ministerial Adviser (general financial planning), tel. +358 295 330 083