International Eurostudent 9 survey to commence

The Eurostudent survey examines the living conditions of higher education students, their studies, international mobility, social background, and sources of income. Around 25,000 students from Finnish higher education institutions are invited to take part in the survey.
Statistics Finland will carry out the data collection between March and May. The national report on students studying in Finland will be completed in 2026, and a comparative international final report of the Eurostudent survey will be published in summer 2027.
The topical modules in this round of the survey involve questions related to student income and mental health.
The international research network comprises national organisations and other stakeholders from around 30 countries. The results of the Eurostudent studies are used to further develop higher education and to support decision-making in Finland and in international terms.
- Tuomas Parkkari, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 295 330 244
- Juhani Saari, Senior Statistician, Statistics Finland, tel. +358 295 513 575