Eight applications received for post of National Police Commissioner

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 10.4.2024 15.21
Press release

A total of 8 candidates applied for the post of National Police Commissioner at the National Police Board by the deadline. The post will be filled for a maximum term of five years, starting on 1 September 2024. The National Police Commissioner is appointed by a government plenary session.

The following candidates have applied for the post:

Heikinheimo Sanna

Jalma Raisa

Kolehmainen Jouni

Koskimäki Ilkka

Lammi Risto

Lardot Robin

Marks Peter

Nurmi Niklas

The National Police Commissioner directs the National Police Board and its subordinate police administration. The National Police Commissioner is responsible for the management, development, guidance and good governance of the National Police Board and its subordinate administration in accordance with guidance from the Ministry of the Interior. In addition, the National Police Commissioner is responsible for good human resources policy and high-quality human resources management in the police administration. The duties of the National Police Commissioner involve broad-based international and national stakeholder cooperation. 

The National Police Board acts as the highest executive body of the police. In accordance with guidance from the Ministry of the Interior, it is responsible for planning, developing, directing and supervising the activities of the police and the related support functions, and for ensuring the availability and quality of police services in different parts of the country. The National Police Board decides on cooperation between police units, is responsible for the performance guidance of the units and allocation of resources to them, and performs any other tasks assigned to it by law or otherwise.

Jukka Aalto
, Director General, tel. +358 295 488 510, [email protected]