Janne Känkänen appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Supply Agency

Master of Social Sciences Janne Känkänen has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Supply Agency as of 1 September 2020. The Government decided on the appointment on 13 August on the proposal of Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.
“In addition to long leadership experience, Janne Känkänen has experience of demanding special projects and, most recently, of the position of Interim Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Supply Agency, which he has held since April 2020. Känkänen's work experience, versatile and extensive networks and profound expertise in the cooperation between public administration and business life, required for the position, provide a good foundation for performing the duties with an active and innovative approach,” says Antti Neimala, who is responsible for the performance guidance of the National Emergency Supply Agency at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
Janne Känkänen has served in several positions at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment since 2008: as Director for EU and International Affairs in 2016–2020, as Director-General in 2016, as Head of Unit in 2011–2015 and as Senior Ministerial Adviser in 2008–2010. Before that, he has served, for example, as Deputy Director-General at the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 2005–2007 and as Administrator at the European Commission in 1996–2005.
“This spring we have seen what an important role the National Emergency Supply Agency plays in society. Security of supply is built on well-functioning cooperation between the public, private and third sector. The National Emergency Supply Agency and the entire National Emergency Supply Organisation have a great deal of expertise but also an ability to develop further. I am ready to lead the National Emergency Supply Agency forward so that it will continue to support Finland's preparedness for different disturbances and emergencies in the best possible manner,” says Janne Känkänen, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer.
The position of Chief Executive Officer of the National Emergency Supply Agency became vacant following the resignation of former Chief Executive Officer Tomi Lounema in April 2020. A total of 55 candidates applied for the position.
The National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) is a central government organisation operating under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. It is tasked with safeguarding the basic economic functions of society in serious disturbances and emergencies.
The National Emergency Supply Agency promotes and coordinates the planning of continuity management and preparedness in companies, organisations and public administration and participates in international cooperation in this field. The National Emergency Supply Agency maintains emergency stockpiles and various technical backup arrangements.
Antti Neimala, Director-General, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7039
Janne Känkänen, Interim Chief Executive Officer (Chief Executive Officer as of 1 September 2020), National Emergency Supply Agency, requests for interviews: tel. +358 29 505 1017