Kim Mattsson to explore emergency supply cooperation between public and private sector and its development needs

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 28.2.2024 10.00
Press release
Kim Mattsson in the picture

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) have invited Major General (ret) Kim Mattsson to conduct a study on cooperation related to security of supply. His task is to assess the relevance of the model for the cooperation between the public and private sector implemented by NESA in the Finnish emergency supply organisation and its current state in the changed operating environment.

Besides this, he will also assess the main challenges of the cooperation model and make proposals for regulatory and other changes that would be needed. The study will take into account the ongoing development work on network cooperation launched by NESA in 2023.

Kim Mattsson serves as Security Policy Advisor at the Confederation of Finnish Industries. The results of the study are to be submitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and NESA by 31 May 2024. 

The close and sustained cooperation between the public, private and third sector implemented by NESA is one of the key strengths of the Finnish emergency supply organisation. Every effort must be made to ensure that it will continue to work well in the rapidly changing operating environment. In future the focus should be on even closer cooperation on the situational picture and planning and on efficient collaboration, including in the event of serious disruptions and in emergency conditions. Joint reserve and repair capabilities should also be developed. 

According to the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government, the Government will carry out an overall review of the security of supply legislation during this parliamentary term to ensure that the regulation is up to date. This was also one of the proposals of the first Government report on security of supply prepared in a parliamentary process and adopted by Parliament in March 2023.

In January 2024 the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed a cross-administrative working group to prepare the reform of the security of supply legislation. Its task is to explore how the Act on the Measures Necessary to Secure Security of Supply (1390/1992) and the Government Decision on the Objectives for Security of Supply (1048/2018) should be reformed. Preliminary preparation of the reform will take place in spring 2024, followed by a process concerning the relevant legislation. The term of the legislative working group is 15 January 2024–31 December 2025.

In 2023 the National Emergency Supply Agency launched a development programme on network cooperation that aims to improve the capability of the network that ensures the security of supply to respond fast to changed security situations. The measures include clarifying the guidance, procedures and management practices of the sectoral, pool and operating model of the emergency supply organisation and assessing the structure and resources of the organisation to meet the security of supply needs of the future.

Kim Mattson’s task is to assess the need for legislative changes and other development in the model for cooperation between the public and private sector implemented by the National Emergency Supply Agency that will be needed in support of the preliminary stage of the legislative project described above and the work of the development project on network cooperation. 

A work plan will be drawn up for the study and key stakeholders will be consulted during the process. The study will be led by Jan Hjelt, Director General at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Janne Känkänen, CEO of the National Emergency Supply Agency, and Tero Kiviniemi, President and CEO at Destia and vice chair of the Board of Directors of NESA.

Eeva Vahtera, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 50 559 9130
Henri Backman, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 063 581 
Heli Tammivuori, Director of the Network Cooperation Unit, National Emergency Supply Agency, tel. +358 295 051 110