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Comments invited on government proposal on chaining of electronic initial identification data

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 30.9.2020 13.40
Press release

Amendments to the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Signatures have been sent out for comments. It is proposed that the regulation on the maximum price for the so-called chaining of initial identification data be continued by a fixed period of two years.The current regulation remains in force for two years. In future, the maximum price for the initial identification would be three cents.

Initial identification refers to reliable verification of a person's identity when the person is issued a means of strong identification, such as online banking codes, for the first time. Chaining of initial identification data takes place when a new means of electronic identification is created for a person with the help of an existing means of strong electronic identification.

The Government also proposes that a new task be added for the Transport and Communications Agency to collect and provide statistical data on the market and supply of strong electronic identification. With the help of statistical data, the monitoring of the regulatory impacts would be more efficient and would provide information to the Ministry of Transport and Communications for the general guidance of electronic identification policies and the development of legislation.

Regulation on the forwarding of initial identification data is the basis for efficient electronic identification markets. The current maximum price regulation has increased interest in the provision of new and competing services. The objective of the proposal is to promote the identification solutions.

What are the next steps?

The deadline for comments on the legislative proposal is 30 October 2020.

Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment the proposal online at or by email at [email protected].

Following the consultation round, Ministry officials will continue the preparations for the Act.


Laura Kolinen, Senior Officer, tel. + 358 50 476 8399

Jenni Rantio, Senior Government Adviser, tel. +358 50 534 7647

Press release 1.9.2020: Price regulation of forwarding electronic initial identification data planned to be continued Lausuntopyyntö hallituksen esityksestä sähköisestä tunnistamisesta ja sähköisis-tä luottamuspalveluista annetun lain muutoksista (VN/19472/2020) (in Finnish)
The government's project database: Sähköisten ensitunnistamistietojen välittämisen hintasääntelyn jatkaminen (LVM051:00/2020) (in Finnish)