Instructions to ministers concerning Foreign Minister Haavisto’s coronavirus infection

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 5.12.2021 16.32
Type:Press release 705/2021

Due to the positive coronavirus test result received by Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto on Saturday evening, the Government has implemented precautionary measures.

The Director of Government Security has instructed ministers and certain public officials to avoid contacts as a precautionary measure until further notice. In addition, these persons have been instructed to take a coronavirus test before returning to work at the office. As a result of these instructions, some ministers’ programmes will change in the next few days.

Parliament has been informed of the matter, and other persons who have been in contact with the Minister for Foreign Affairs have been approached directly and through public information.
Haavisto will work remotely from his home for the time being.

Inquiries: Päivi Paasikoski, Director of Government Communications, tel. +358 40 547 6279