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Kauppapolitiikka: Bleak outlook for open trade

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 22.3.2023 11.47
News item

Will government support undo fair competition, asks the March issue of Kauppapolitiikka magazine. The issue’s theme is the future of open trade.

Experts say that the tectonic plates of global economy are shifting to a position unfavourable to free trade. Will there be a green wall blocking trade between the EU and the US? Will government support undo fair competition? These are among the questions discussed by Ulla Heinonen, Director of Green Growth at the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and by Antti Ronkainen, Researcher at the University of Helsinki.

The EU has imposed its tenth sanctions package on Russia following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The March issue will describe how the Sanctions Team at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advices companies in the jungle of rapidly changing rules.

The need for spending cuts will be a hot potato in the spring elections. The March issue discusses whether we need cuts or growth, or both.

The interview section features Pasi-Heikki Vaaranmaa, the grand old man of trade policy, who became Finland’s Permanent Representative to the OECD in February. The new issue also discusses the benefits of trade agreements.

You can read these and other stories already at the Kauppapolitiikka website (in Finnish)

Read the stories online or subscribe to the printed magazine

The latest issue of Kauppapolitiikka (in Finnish only) is posted to subscribers from 23 March 2023. Read the latest issue online or subscribe to the printed magazine for free.

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More information:

Kauppapolitiikka is a quarterly international trade magazine, published in Finnish by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. ​