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Kauppapolitiikka magazine: Moving up the value chain

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 24.9.2024 12.21 | Published in English on 24.9.2024 at 12.32
Press release

The September issue of Kauppapolitiikka explores the current state of the Finnish export sector and the challenges it is facing in the international market. Finland’s share of world trade is diminishing, which affects people’s standard of living and creates challenges for general government finances. Turning this trend around will require perseverance and wide-ranging measures.

Magazine title and an escalator

The September issue also discusses the state of the trade negotiations between India and the European Union and examines the role of water as a trigger of conflicts: water scarcity can drive mass migration. However, solutions to water shortages can be found in Finland.

In his column, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Ville Tavio discusses the reorganising of the Team Finland network’s foreign functions. He underlines the importance of cooperation for Finland’s success and economic growth, reminding that growth is a team sport.

The interview section features Päivi Pohjanheimo, who is Director of International Affairs and Trade at Finland Chamber of Commerce and Country Director Finland at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). She explains the relationship between trade and geopolitics and describes current challenges.

In the September issue we also meet Timo Sysiö, who started as Editor-in-Chief of Kauppapolitiikka on 1 August 2024. Previously he worked as Press Counsellor at the Embassy of Finland in Beijing.

You can read the latest stories at the Kauppapolitiikka website.

Kauppapolitiikka is a quarterly international trade magazine, published in Finnish by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. You can subscribe to Kauppapolitiikka free of charge.
