Price regulation of forwarding electronic initial identification data planned to be continued

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 1.9.2020 10.30
Press release

In accordance with the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services, the Ministry of Transport and Communications would continue to regulate the maximum price for forwarding initial identification data.

Regulation on the chaining of initial identification data is the basis for effective and reliable e-services. The aim is to promote the market for electronic identification, including the means of identification.

Initial identification refers to reliable verification of a person's identity when the person is issued a means of strong identification, such as online banking codes, for the first time. Chaining of initial identification data takes place when a new means of electronic identification (e.g. a mobile certificate) is created for a person with the help of an existing one (e.g. bank codes).

Since 2019, the maximum price for chaining has been 3 cents, which can be charged by the provider whose means of identification will be used to acquire the new means. The price regulation will remain in force until 31 March 2021.

The regulation of the maximum price for chaining the initial identification applies to providers of identification means and does not have any direct impact on consumer prices or online services, for example.

The Ministry will start the work on amending the Act on Strong Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services in order to continue the regulation of the maximum price for the chaining, because, based on feedback from stakeholders, the regulation has had a positive impact on the development of the market.


Laura Kolinen, Senior Officer, tel. + 358 50 476 8399

Jenni Rantio, Senior Government Adviser, tel. + 358 50 534 7647

Press release 28/03/2019: Legislative amendments on strong electronic identification enter into force
Press release of 23 November 2017 (in Finnish): Maximum price for forwarding electronic initial identification data
Valtioneuvoston hanketietokanta: Sähköisten ensitunnistamistietojen välittämisen hintasääntelyn jatkaminen (LVM051:00/2020)
National Cyber Security Centre of the Transport and Communications Agency: Electronic identification