Specifications for professional qualifications training in heavy transport
The requirements for professional qualifications training for lorry, bus and coach drivers will be specified by amendments to the decree on professional qualifications. The amendments relate to the implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/645. The amendments required by the Directive have been partly implemented by the amendments to the Driving Licence Act and the Act on Transport Services that entered into force in mid-July.
The Government issued a decree on it on 23 July 2020. The decree enters into force on 27 July 2020.
The decree provides for the recognition of prior training as part of professional qualifications training and the demonstration of professional qualifications by means of a driver attestation. The decree also specifies the implementation of further training and the conditions concerning the implementation of professional qualifications training.
Prior training in the transport of dangerous goods can now be recognised as part of further training. The amount of training that can be recognised cannot exceed two seven-hour periods of the required 35-hour training. The degree of difficulty and objectives of the training provided for the transport of dangerous goods as part of the driving licence corresponds to the purpose and content of further training.
The provision on the content and implementation of further training has been specified in accordance with the Directive. In addition, the decree specifies the conditions and restrictions related to teaching tools and methods, such as online education, as required by the Directive.
Monika Mutanen, Senior Officer, tel. +358 50 4784 820 (until 7 August 2020)
Saara Louko, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 5301 472 (from 3 August 2020)
Press release 09.07.2020: Amendments to regulation on professional qualifications in road transport
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