State Secretary Risto Artjoki receives Strategic Research Council’s proposal on research themes for 2025

Government Communications Department
Publication date 11.6.2024 9.50 | Published in English on 12.6.2024 at 15.44
Press release

The Strategic Research Council (SRC) has decided on the research themes it will propose to the Government for 2025. Chair of the Strategic Research Council Anu Kaukovirta submitted the proposal to State Secretary Risto Artjoki on 11 June 2024 at the Government Palace.

In its meeting on 10 June 2024, the Strategic Research Council (SRC) decided on the research themes it would propose to the Government for 2025. The proposed themes are:

I.    Economy and wellbeing in an era of strategic competition
II.    Skills, labour supply and migration in the Finland of the future

A cross-cutting priority for research is artificial intelligence, which should be explored from the perspective of each research topic.
Chair of the Strategic Research Council Anu Kaukovirta submitted the proposal to State Secretary Risto Artjoki on 11 June 2024 at the Government Palace.

In connection with the submission of the proposal, discussions were held on the topicality of the themes and the support strategic research provides for the renewal and development of society over both the short and longer term. The research themes in the proposal require a highly multidisciplinary approach in order to acquire new information.

State Secretary Artjoki praised the openness of the preparations and the council’s close interaction with data users in drawing up the proposal. The themes show a high level of preparedness for future information needs. The council has delved deeper into the theme of migration, which was first put forth in the 2023 proposal. Both themes place a suitable focus on the economic dimension. Exploring issues related to AI from the perspective of each research topic will complement the knowledge base generated in an important way.

Council Chair Anu Kaukovirta considers the operating model for strategic research unique. It puts the information produced through multidisciplinary research projects strongly into practice. Co-creation with stakeholders begins immediately at the start of the project and continues throughout the six-year programming period. The activities in the Strategic Research Council’s programmes provide an opportunity to explore ambitious challenges and find solutions that stand the test of time together with stakeholders.

The Government will discuss the Strategic Research Council’s proposal and make a decision on the themes. After this, the Strategic Research Council will plan the research programmes for the selected themes and will open calls for funding in the latter part of the year.


Proposal on research themes – Anu Kaukovirta, Chair, Strategic Research Council, tel. +358 295 322 151, firstname.lastname(at) and Päivi Tikka, Director, Division of Strategic Research, Research Council of Finland, tel. +358 295 335 007, firstname.lastname(at)

Government decision – Sari Löytökorpi, Chief Specialist, Prime Minister’s Office, tel. +358 295 160 187, firstname.lastname(at)