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Sampo Terho appointed Minister of European Affairs

valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto
Publication date 5.5.2017 12.43
News item 25/2017

Following the appointment of new ministers on 5 May, Sampo Terho, the new Minister for European Affairs, took over responsibility for European affairs from Foreign Minister Timo Soini. Minister Terho’s ministerial duties in issues related to European affairs take place in the Prime Minister's Office and in matters related to culture and sport in the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The European Affairs Minister represents Finland in the General Affairs Council, which prepares the meetings of the European Council, among other things. In the Council’s division of duties, the General Affairs Council is in charge of many policy matters, one of the main ones being the Multiannual Financial Framework, which will soon be topical again. It steers the EU budget for the coming years and the Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom.

Three new ministers in Sipilä’s Government (press release 5.5.)