Utilisation of behavioural information in administration – projects and reports

The Finnish Behavioural Policy Team (FINBEPOL) carries out research and experimental projects in cooperation with experts and researchers in the administration in order to collect important information on socially relevant issues.

Current projects

Youth vote

In connection with the 2022 county elections, an experiment was conducted in Finland for the first time to examine the impact of text message reminders on the voting turnout of young people. In the experiment, young people (aged 18 to 29) were messaged twice about the schedule of the county elections and their right to vote. The aim of the study was to find out whether a text message reminder increases voting turnout. The experiment was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the University of Turku.

Good relations

The aim of relations policy is to increase interaction between population groups and thereby influence people’s sense of security, attitudes and participation. In a pilot project coordinated by the Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and the Ministry of Justice, we aim to assess and develop forms of participation and influence that strengthen the role of different population groups in social decision-making.


The Kettu working group has investigated topical and citizen-related topics from the point of view of behavioural science. The reports aim to produce information to support the preparation and decision-making of public administration.


Maarit Lassander, Chief Specialist 
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Government Policy Unit Telephone:0295160037   Email Address:

Emmi Korkalainen, Senior Specialist 
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Government Policy Unit Telephone:0295160634   Email Address: