Composition of the Economic Council of Finland
In addition to the Prime Minister, the Economic Council has 11–21 members appointed by the Government. Some Council members are also members of the Government.
The Economic Council is appointed for the duration of a Government term, except for Government members, whose term on the Council is limited to the duration of their ministerial term.
Mr Petteri Orpo, Prime Minister
Vice Chairman
Ms Riikka Purra, Minister of Finance
Mr Anders Adlercreutz, Minister of Education
Mr Jarkko Eloranta, Chairman, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK)
Ms Sari Essayah, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
Ms Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, Minister of Social Security
Mr Jyri Häkämies, Managing Director, Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK)
Ms Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Minister of Local and Regional Government
Ms Henrika Nybondas-Kangas, Managing Director, Local Government and County Employers KT
Ms Minna Karhunen, Managing Director, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
Ms Maria Löfgren, Managing Director, Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland (AKAVA)
Mr Juha Marttila, Chairman, Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
Ms Sari Multala, Minister of Climate and the Environment
Ms Marja Nykänen, Deputy Governor, Bank of Finland
Mr Antti Palola, Chairman, Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK)
Mr Mikael Pentikäinen, Managing Director, Suomen Yrittäjät
Ms Lulu Ranne, Minister of Transport and Communications
Mr Juho Romakkaniemi, Managing Director, Finland Chamber of Commerce
Mr Wille Rydman, Minister of Economic Affairs
Mr Arto Satonen, Minister of Employment
Mr Ville Tavio, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development
Permanent experts
Mr Risto Artjoki, State Secretary, Prime Minister´s Office
Mr Juha Majanen, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance
Secretariat of the Economic Council
The Secretariat of the Economic Council assists the Economic Council in carrying out its duties. The Secretariat prepares meetings of the Economic Council. It also organises and, in part, produces reports and analyses for use by the Council. It maintains contacts with authorities, institutions and organisations involved in economic research and with the economic and social councils of other countries. In addition, the Secretariat monitors economic policy developments and performs other duties assigned to it by the Chairperson of the Economic Council.
The Secretariat of the Economic Council operates from the Prime Minister’s Office.
Pekka Sinko, Secretary General of the Economic Council
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Policy Planning Unit Telephone:0295160189 Email Address: [email protected]
Outi Hiltunen, Administrative Assistant
Prime Minister's Office, Government Strategy Department, Government Policy Unit Telephone:0295160180 Email Address: [email protected]