Annika Saarikko appointed as Minister of Finance and Antti Kurvinen as new Minister of Science and Culture

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Education and CultureMinistry of Finance
Publication date 27.5.2021 11.40
Press release 339/2021
Photo: Matti Vanhanen, Annika Saarikko ja Antti Kurvinen

On Tuesday 27 May, the President of the Republic released Member of Parliament Matti Vanhanen, Master of Social Sciences, from the post of Minister of Finance and his membership in the Government. On the same occasion, the President transferred and appointed Minister of Science and Culture Annika Saarikko as Minister of Finance and appointed Member of Parliament Antti Kurvinen, Lawyer, Master of Laws, as a Member of Government and Minister of Science and Culture.

Following the presidential session, the Government plenary session made decisions on changes to the ministerial portfolios, deputising arrangements and the composition of ministerial committees and working groups. Minister Kurvinen took an oath of office and a judicial oath.

Saarikko will continue as minister deputising for the Prime Minister. She will be a member of the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy, the Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs, the Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy and the Ministerial Finance Committee. In addition, she will serve as the chair of the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland and member of the Ministerial Working Group on Promoting Employment and the Ministerial Working Group on Health and Social Services. 

Kurvinen will chair the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy and be member of the Ministerial Working Group on Competence, Education, Culture and Innovation, the Ministerial Working Group on Internal Security and Strengthening the Rule of Law, and the Ministerial Monitoring group on the Social Security Reform.

The Government also appointed State Secretaries to the Ministers. Maria Kaisa Aula, Licentiate in Political Science, will continue as State Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Tuomo Puumala, Master in Social Sciences, as State Secretary to the Minister of Science and Culture. Anna-Mari Vimpari will continue as State Secretary to the Centre Party ministerial group. 

Inquiries: Päivi Anttikoski, Director of Government Communications, Prime Minister's Office, tel. +358 40 536 4821

Annika Saarikko Antti Kurvinen government