Finland revised its Arctic policy strategy
The Government made a resolution on Finland's Arctic policy strategy in its plenary session on Thursday, 17 June. The Arctic policy strategy defines Finland's key objectives in the Arctic region and outlines the main priorities for achieving them. All activities in the Arctic must be based on the carrying capacity of the natural environment, the protection of the climate, sustainable development principles and respect for the rights of indigenous populations. From these starting points, the targets relating to economic operations and Finland's economic interests can also be assessed.
"The objective of the strategy is to highlight Finland as an Arctic country. According to the strategy, the whole of Finland is an Arctic country. Finland's Arctic interests and Arctic expertise affect the whole country. Additionally, Finland's arcticness supports and strengthens Finland's international Arctic country brand in international contexts", says Henrik Haapajärvi, State Secretary to the Prime Minister.
Since the previous Arctic Strategy published in 2013, climate change has progressed more rapidly globally and in the Arctic region than expected. Changes have also taken place in the international environment. In addition, the direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic also have an effect on Arctic cooperation and the Arctic region itself.
The preparation of the Arctic policy strategy is a key element of Finland's Arctic policy. The strategy has been drawn up in line with Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government Programme. The strategy covers approximately two parliamentary terms and extends until 2030.
The strategy will be published in six languages (Finnish, Swedish, English, Northern Sámi, Inari Sámi and Skolt Sámi). After the Government resolution, the strategy will be published, including supplementing and clarifying information boxes.
Inquiries: Nina Brander, Senior Specialist, Secretary General of the Arctic Advisory Board, tel. +358 40 823 8492 and Emma Borg, Project Coordinator, Strategy Department, Prime Minister's Office, tel. +358 46 921 9792.