Government withdraws proposal on temporarily restricting freedom of movement and close contacts
The Government has withdrawn the legislative proposal it submitted to Parliament on 25 March on the temporary restriction of freedom of movement and close contacts. The Government notified Parliament of the withdrawal in a communication on Wednesday evening 31 March. The proposal was submitted as a provisional exception to fundamental rights in situations of emergency in accordance with section 23 of the Constitution.
On 31 March, the Constitutional Law Committee submitted a statement on the government proposal (PeVL 12/2021 vp). In its statement, the Constitutional Law Committee stressed that the objectives of the government proposal could be considered very significant. However, in the Committee's view, the underlying solution chosen in the government proposal to prohibit movement in its entirety is contrary to the requirement of proportionality, given the epidemiological reasons presented to it in the government proposal, and it cannot be considered necessary in the manner referred to Article 23 of the Constitution.
The Constitutional Law Committee considers it essential and good legislative practice that, especially when significant changes are proposed to a far-reaching government proposal that have an essential impact on the underlying solutions in the proposal, the preparation of the matter should be assigned to the Government.
Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 300 and Päivi Anttikoski, Director of Government Communications, tel. +358 40 536 4821, Prime Minister’s Office
Government submits legislative proposal to Parliament on temporarily restricting freedom of movement and close contacts | Press release 25 March 2021