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Amounts of general housing allowance and housing allowance for pensioners to be raised in respect of heating costs in 2023

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 20.12.2022 15.30
Press release 316/2022

Low-income households will be compensated for the sharp rise in the heating prices by raising the amount of the expenditure norm of the heating category for the general housing allowance and the expenditure norm of the maintenance category for single-family houses by 57 per cent in 2023. A corresponding increase will also be made to the amount of the housing allowance for pensioners.

The general housing allowance will be adjusted due to changing housing costs if the acceptable housing costs rise by at least EUR 50 per month. The amount of the increase is always case-specific, depending on the size of the household, the municipality where the house is located and the household income that affects the amount of the allowance. Many benefits and income taken into account when determining the amount of the general housing allowance will be raised as of 1 January 2023, and they, too, may affect the amount of the allowance.

The aim of the legislative amendment is to safeguard the purchasing power of low-income recipients of benefits in times of rising energy prices. The amendment will also make it easier to pay housing allowance directly to lessors when benefit recipients are facing difficulties to pay rent. The purpose is to safeguard the housing of benefit recipients and prevent evictions.

The Acts will enter into force on 1 January 2023. The amendment to the Act on General Housing Allowance concerning heating costs and maintenance costs will be in force until the end of 2023.


Mikko Horko, Ministerial Adviser, [email protected]