Act on Broadband Construction Aid enters into force

The President of the Republic has approved the Act on Broadband Construction Aid on Wednesday 30 December 2020. The Act will enter into force on 1 January 2021.
In the 2021 Budget, five million euros have been earmarked for broadband aid. The aid scheme will target areas where no broadband will be available before 2025. The aim is to bring 10,000 new households within the reach of high-speed broadband connections.
Aid can be applied for the construction of high-speed broadband connections for permanent and holiday residences and for business and public administration premises. The minimum connection speed to qualify for aid and the contributions required from municipalities to the broadband project would be laid down by a government decree. The aid scheme is a continuation of the High-Speed Broadband aid scheme, which was in use in 2010-2019.
Next steps
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency will carry out market analyses of the project areas proposed for the broadband aid by the regional councils. The Agency will also map the existing high-speed broadband connections and related construction plans in the regions. A regional council will then organise a competitive tendering process for the selection of a project area constructor. The selected network constructor may apply for aid from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.
The government decree on the minimum broadband connection speed and the municipalities' contribution to the broadband project is to be adopted in early 2021.
Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 031 6178, Twitter @mmaija
Press release, 30 April 2020: Preparation of broadband construction aid proceeds - request for comments on continuing the aid scheme in 2021 Tasavallan presidentin esittelyn aineistot (in Finnish)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects Government proposal on broadband construction aid (LVM043:00/2019) (LVM043:00/2019) (in Finnish) Government draft proposal on aid for broadband construction (in Finnish) Government Decree on the municipal contribution and the minimum speed of high-speed broadband connection in a broadband project (in Finnish)