Government proposes stricter conditions for family reunification

The Government is tightening the conditions for family reunification. In line with the Government Programme, the Government proposes that Finland should introduce the additional conditions permitted by the EU Family Reunification Directive concerning the spouses' minimum age, ability to provide for their own needs and the time they have stayed in the country. The Government submitted a proposal on the matter to Parliament on 6 March.
If a residence permit is granted to a spouse on the basis of family ties, both spouses would need to be of a minimum age of 21 years. However, the minimum age requirement would not apply to a Finnish citizen whose spouse applies for a residence permit.
The Government also proposes that, with certain exceptions, the Finnish Aliens Act should reintroduce a requirement for sufficient financial resources as a condition for granting a residence permit to a family member of a minor who has been given international protection.
A requirement for a minimum period of residence would be introduced, with certain exceptions, for sponsors who have been granted international protection. Beneficiaries of international protection would have to stay in Finland for two years before their family members could apply for family reunification.
These legislative amendments aim to promote integration and encourage immigrants to take more responsibility for their integration. They also seek to put an end to practices that are harmful to society and individuals, such as the use of children as a means of entry to the country, forced marriages and marriages of convenience. The amendments would therefore improve Finland's internal security.
Another objective of the amendments is to align the Finnish legislation on family reunification with other national legislations in Europe.
New conditions are based on the Family Reunification Directive
The new conditions outlined in the Government Programme are based on the EU Family Reunification Directive. The Directive defines the minimum conditions for the exercise of the right to family reunification by third-country nationals residing lawfully in the territory of the Member States. For the time being, Finland has not introduced all the additional conditions permitted by the Directive.
Family reunification refers to a residence permit granted to a foreign national on the basis of family ties. A sponsor can be a foreign national or a Finnish citizen. A foreign spouse of a Finnish citizen, a family member of a foreign national working or studying in Finland, or a family member of a person who has been granted international protection in Finland may apply for family reunification.
The act is scheduled to enter into force on 15 May 2025.
Tuuli Tuunanen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 658 [email protected]
Valtioneuvoston yleisistunto 6.3.2025 VN 15/2025 (In Finnish)