Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment funds E2 research project on how to attract international experts to Finland

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 3.11.2021 13.14
Type:News item
A woman and a man are having a meeting, with an open laptop on the table.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment participates in an E2 research project that aims to find out how Finland’s attractiveness among international experts and expatriates returning to Finland can be strengthened. In the project, the views of expatriate Finns, foreigners living in Finland and international digital nomads will be heard. 

Shortage of skilled labour is already an obstacle to growth in many sectors. This means that, besides measures to improve the labour market match, Finland also needs work-based immigration. 

In the E2 research project potential immigrants to Finland will also be asked to tell their views. The project seeks answers e.g. to the following questions: How can Finland be turned into an appealing and attractive country that people are willing to commit to and where it is easy for expatriate Finns to return or for foreigners to come to work? How can people from outside Finland also participate in building our country? 

New information supports the Talent Boost programme

“Skilled labour is a key resource in strengthening employment. The Ministry is working hard to make the processes related to immigration run smoothly and ensure that the entire system works. This research project will give us more information on how we can further develop the Talent Boost programme and the whole package of measures related to immigration,” Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen says. 

“Many companies are facing acute shortages of experts. It is important that the project that is now being launched produces information not only on how Finland can be more attractive but also on how we can make people stay here,” Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä says.

Project to be completed before parliamentary elections of 2023 

The project will be carried out by the non-profit organisation E2 Research. The work will be completed before the parliamentary elections in spring 2023. 

The research project will contribute to the implementation of the national Talent Boost programme on promoting labour migration and the roadmap for education-based and work-based immigration. 

Besides the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the research project is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Confederation of Finnish Industries, Technology Industries of Finland, Local Government and County Employers KT, Local Government Pensions Institution KEVA, Academic Engineers and Architects TEK, Industrial Employees TP, Business Finland and the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere and Oulu. 

Pipa Turvanen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 226