Development programme to improve the overall state of cyber security

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 13.1.2021 12.50
Press release

On 13 January 2021, the Ministry of Transport and Communications sent out for comments a draft Government Resolution on Cyber Security Development Programme.  The aim of the Programme is to provide guidance for the cyber security development extending across sectoral borders and government terms.

The Development Programme that was now sent our for comments includes both a concrete implementation plan and an impact analysis. The Programme covers the period from 2021 to 2030.

"Cyber security management and guidance must be result-oriented. All areas of society must prepare for cyber threats, detect them and act swiftly in the event of danger. Improved skills and cooperation will generate new growth and jobs in the sector," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.

Themes are cyber expertise, cooperation, functional capacity and cyber security industry

The aim is to bring citizens' cyber security skills to a good level as well as to provide Finnish top cyber security experts. This requires the inclusion of cyber security in different levels of education from comprehensive school to workplace training.

In addition to improving the skills, the Programme would intensify cooperation between the public sector and business and industry, in particular. The proposed measures include strengthening collaboration between cyber security operations and research and development activities in the sector. The Programme would also promote the active participation of Finns in international forums as well as closer cooperation with international cyber security actors.

The Programme pays particular attention to the authorities' capacity to provide appropriate measures for ensuring cyber security. It proposes that the authorities' preparedness and their observation capacity for cyber security should be further developed. In key sectors, the cyber security requirements should be harmonised and the information security of critical data resources and digital services should be increased.

Measures are also presented to support the domestic cyber security industry. In order for the branch of industry to emerge, the other elements in the Programme must function properly. At the same time, the aim is to promote the digital information society and the skills it requires. From the perspective of economic growth and employment, the increasing cyber security market is an important opportunity for Finland.

In order for the Development Programme to be implemented, annual funding of EUR 5.9 million for 2022-2025 will be needed as well as an additional allocation of EUR 3.2 million for 2021.

Package for the development of national cyber security

The Government Resolution on the Cyber Security Development Programme is based on the Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government that aims to increase national cyber security in order to improve national coordination and enhance international cooperation.

The implementation of the Development Programme is supported by the Government Resolution of 2019 on the Finnish Cyber Security Strategy, which in turn forms part of the implementation of the Security Strategy for Society and the EU Cyber Security Strategy.

Support for the Programme will also be provided by the work of the cross-administrative working group on information security and data protection in critical sectors of society. The term of the working group will end on 31 January 2021.

More than 80 organisations contributed to the preparation of the Development Programme. Participants in workshops organised during the preparation included business and industry, cyber security industry, central government, universities and various organisations.

Next steps

The deadline for comments on the draft Cyber Security Development Programme is 3 February 2020. 

Organisations and private individuals are invited to comment the draft programme online at or by email at [email protected].

Following the consultation round, Ministry officials will continue the preparations for the Act.


Rauli Paananen, Cyber Security Director, tel. +358 40 565 9060, Twitter: @rauli_paananen

Laura Vilkkonen, Director General, tel. +358 40 500 081, Twitter: @vilkkonen

Press release 15.12.2020: Clear requirements, supervision and cooperation between authorities at the core of key sectors' data security Ehdotus valtioneuvoston periaatepäätökseksi kyberturvallisuuden kehittämisohjelmasta (VN/797/2021), lausuntopyyntö (in Finnish)
The Security Committee: Suomen kyberturvallisuusstrategia 2019 (Cyber Security Strategy 2019, in Finnish)