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Glossaries on wellbeing services counties in Swedish and English

Publication date 28.12.2022 17.10

The Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister’s Office has updated the glossary of concepts related to the reform of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services published in Finnish and Swedish in March 2022.

The glossary now provides terms in English on key concepts related to the functions of the wellbeing services counties which are responsible for organising public healthcare, social welfare and rescue services as of the beginning of 2023.

The purpose of the glossary is to harmonise terminology in the counties and the healthcare and social welfare sector.


Another glossary called ‘Key Concepts of the Health and Social Services Reform’ was published in October 2021 by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Its languages are Finnish, Swedish, English and Russian. The Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister's Office produced the content in Swedish, English and Russian.