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Government decided on strengthening implementation of Structural Policy Programme

Government Communications Department
Publication date 28.8.2014 16.27
Press release 344/2014

On Thursday, 28 August, the Government decided in its budget discussions on measures to strengthen the implementation of the Structural Policy Programme.

Prime Minister Stubb’s Government agreed in its Government Programme in June that implementing the Structural Policy Programme in the manner decided in August 2013 will be ensured as previously agreed through further decisions made, if necessary, in the budget session of summer 2014. The Government stated in its programme that the Structural Policy Programme, the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2015–2018 and implementation decisions clarifying them will be prioritised in the actions of the administrative branches during the remainder of the parliamentary term.

A steering group led by Permanent Secretary Hetemäki has monitored the implementation of the programme and has presented both its assessment of the implementation of the programme and its recommendation for strengthening the implementation of the programme.

In connection with the budget session, the Government also approved future policy outlines of the Metropolitan Authority (see appendix).

Further information: Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 292 and State Secretary Olli-Pekka Heinonen, tel. +358 295 160 280