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Minister Harakka to attend 5G seminar in São Paulo

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 9.8.2022 9.02
Press release

Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka will travel to São Paulo, Brazil on 9 August 2022. During the visit, Minister Harakka will attend a seminar on 5G technology. The agenda also includes meetings with ministers and business representatives.

In São Paulo Minister Harakka will attend the 5G.BR - The Transformative Role of New Technology seminar, to be held on 11 August 2022. He will participate in a panel discussion where the key focus will be on 5G and how technology can help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Minister Harakka will meet the Brazilian Minister of Communications Fábio Faria to discuss cooperation between Finland and Brazil in the field of communication technologies.

The topics to be discussed with Josué Gomes da Silva, the new President of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paul FIESP, are questions related to 5G technology and its applications and the opportunities for cooperation.


Ilkka Hamunen, Special Adviser to Minister Harakka, tel. +358 295 342 058, [email protected]

Ritva Hautanen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 342 081, [email protected]