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Minister Lintilä welcomes new battery chemicals plant in Sotkamo, calling it a “milestone in building a responsible battery value chain”

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 16.6.2022 14.15
Press release
Joni Lukkaroinen, Mika Lintilä, Jeremy Weir, Lauri Ratia

“Terrafame’s battery chemicals plant is a good example of how we are developing the Finnish mining and battery industry towards production of higher value added. Finland is introducing advanced processes and technologies and improving competences in a new area that will enable a responsible green transition,” Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä said at the opening of the plant in Sotkamo on 16 June 2022.

In 2018, Terrafame Oy decided to move the company forward in the metal processing chain and become a manufacturer of battery chemicals. It invested in a factory, which is one of the world’s largest production lines for battery chemicals. The integrated production in Terrafame’s industrial area where battery chemicals are processed from the company’s own mine is a unique and energy-efficient chain that produces battery chemicals with the lowest carbon footprint in the world. 

“When I started as Minister of Economic Affairs in 2016, Terrafame was only taking its first steps as a company. Nobody could predict the kind of battery boom we are experiencing now. The European Battery Alliance was launched and Finland actively participated in building a European battery industry. Mining and Terrafame have rapidly become an interesting business opportunity, especially from the perspective of the battery industry,” minister Mika Lintilä said.

“The opening of Terrafame’s battery chemicals plant is an important milestone in building a sustainable and responsible battery value chain in Finland. This is also an important step towards the objectives of the national battery strategy. Today, the Finnish battery value chain, in which Terrafame and Finnish Minerals Group are key players, is a well-known and valued brand throughout the world,” he added.

“As the number of “gigafactories” grows rapidly, the demand for battery minerals and chemicals also increases. The EU also wants to become more independent in key raw materials needed for batteries, which play an important role in the green transition,” Lintilä said.

“Finland is well placed to seize the opportunities offered by the growing battery industry in Europe and globally. By opening one of the world’s largest battery chemicals production lines, Terrafame and its customers and partners are promoting low-carbon modes of transport,” he added.

“Terrafame has a significant impact on the economy in Sotkamo and the entire Kainuu region, and even at the national level. Without sustainable mining activities, it will be impossible to achieve climate objectives and implement the green transition. The company plays a key part in enabling this transition,” Lintilä said.

Mari Kokko, Special Adviser to Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. +358 40 521 2124
Jyrki Alkio, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 40 342 4476