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Ministry of Social Affairs and Health issues instructions to regional state administrative agencies for making decisions on controlled opening of school premises and on restrictions concerning public events

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 7.5.2020 13.38
Press release

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has issued new instructions to regional state administrative agencies for the implementation of the government resolution. The regional state administrative agencies are urged to take measures aimed at opening school premises in a controlled manner and continuing restrictions on public events.

The purpose of the measures is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in society. The measures will be carried out under the Communicable Diseases Act.

School premises will be opened on 14 May 2020 – specific restrictions on the use of the premises

On 29 April, the Government decided to lift the measures restricting contact teaching which were imposed on early childhood education and care and on primary and lower secondary education under the Emergency Powers Act. Based on the decision, school premises will be opened on 14 May 2020.

The regional state administrative agencies are now urged to make decisions on the needed essential restrictions on the use of the premises of early education centres and educational institutions.

The premises can be used provided that the arrangements concerning their use are observed. The instructions were drafted by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the National Institute for Health and Welfare. Education providers will make decisions on more specific arrangements.

The instructions are in force between 14 May and 13 June 2020.

Restriction on gatherings of more than 10 persons will remain in force until the end of May

On 6 May, the Government decided to keep the restriction on gatherings of more than 10 persons in force until the end of May. After that date, the restriction will apply to gatherings of more than 50 persons.

The regional state administrative agencies are now urged to continue the earlier instructions and prohibit public events with more than 10 persons.

Instructions and information on summer events and gatherings will be issued later on.


Director Jaska Siikavirta