Raimo Luoma appointed Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 11.6.2020 13.52
Type:Press release
Raimo Luoma

On 11 June 2020, the Government appointed Raimo Luoma, Master of Laws, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment for a five-year term from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2025.

Mr Luoma has previously served as Director General at the Ministry of Trade and Industry and at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (2006–2012), and as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance (2014) and of the Prime Minister's Office (2019). During 2014–2019 he served as the CEO of the National Emergency Supply Agency. Luoma has a long professional history as a lawyer.

The post of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will become vacant on 1 October 2020 when the term of the current Permanent Secretary ends. A total of 12 candidates applied for the post.

The Permanent Secretary is the most senior official of the Ministry who assists the Minister in the management, development and supervision of the activities of the Ministry and its administrative branch.

Heidi Nummela, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7988