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Those granted temporary protection have the right to work in Finland – a leaflet by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment advises people fleeing the war in Ukraine on how to find employment

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 25.3.2022 11.29 | Published in English on 25.3.2022 at 14.29
Press release
Text Ukraine

Finland grants temporary protection to those fleeing the war in Ukraine. Those granted temporary protection have the right to work without any restrictions or delay as soon as they have been issued a residence permit and a residence permit card. They can also register as jobseekers at the TE Office and receive employment support services, says an instructional leaflet prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, which will be distributed to people arriving at Finland’s borders. 

Close to four million people have already fled the war in Ukraine to other countries. It is estimated that about 40,000−80,000 of them will come to Finland. Finland has decided to grant temporary protection to all those fleeing the war in Ukraine if they apply for it. 

Those granted temporary protection have the right to work without restrictions after they have been issued a residence permit and a residence permit card. They can also register as customers of the TE Office and receive employment support services, such as language training, according to the instructions prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment aimed at people fleeing from Ukraine.  

No fees for arranging employment in Finland

Many of those fleeing the war in Ukraine are of working age. They have various skills and many younger people in particular have good education. The instructions describe the right to work based on different residence permits and visa-free stays as well as the employment services available to those granted temporary protection. 

The instructions also remind that the terms of employment and pay apply to everyone in Finland, and no fees may be charged from the employee for the job or for arranging employment. The leaflet provides advice on where to seek help in case of inappropriate treatment.  
The instructions in the Ukrainian and Russian languages will be distributed to those arriving from Ukraine at ports, airports, reception centres and various information and advice points. The recommendation will be published in Swedish and English too. 

Statistics on those fleeing the war lag behind

More than 11,000 people who have fled the war in Ukraine have already applied for temporary protection in Finland. However, the number of people who have fled the war is more than that because those arriving from Ukraine with a biometric passport can also enter Finland visa-free and reside here for three months. However, the right to work of those arriving without a visa is very limited. 
Approximately 7,200 Ukrainians resided in Finland permanently before the start of the war. Many Ukrainians have also been employed as seasonal workers in agriculture and forestry in recent years. 

Susanna Piepponen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 047 990