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Jussi Palmén appointed as Counsellor for Cultural Affairs to Moscow

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 1.6.2020 9.15
Press release

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has appointed Jussi Palmén to the post of Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the Embassy of Finland in Moscow. The three-year term will start on 1 August 2020.

Jussi Palmén. Photo: Emma Suominen

Previously, Jussi Palmén has worked as Press Officer at the Finnish Consulate General in St Petersburg and held various communications and editorial posts, including the post of Communications Specialist at the Ministry of the Environment. He holds the degree of Master of Social Sciences. Palmén is familiar with Russian society and culture. He has been involved in the implementation of several Finnish cultural and country image projects in Russia.

“I am excited about the opportunity to be involved in the further promotion of Finnish culture and expertise in Russia. Studies have proven that Finland has a good reputation in Russia, which provides an excellent foundation for the work. After the current exceptional period of time, I consider that it is even more important than before to be able to tell about what Finland has to offer,” Palmén says.

The duties of the Counsellor for Cultural Affairs include advancing Finland's interests by promoting the country image and cultural exports, supporting Finnish-Russian cultural relations in diverse ways, and presenting Finland as an attractive cooperation partner in different fields. Additionally, the Counsellor for Cultural Affairs is responsible for the planning and implementation of the mission’s cultural and country image projects and participates in Team Finland activity.

Inquiries: Johanna Kotkajärvi, Deputy Director General, Department for Communications, tel. +358 295 351 351 and Jussi Palmén, Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, tel. +358 44 970 1506.