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Nordic foreign ministers meet in Stockholm to look at the international situation

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 17.4.2018 6.00
Press release

Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini will attend the Nordic foreign ministers' meeting in Stockholm from 17 to 18 April 2018.

The Nordic foreign ministers will discuss, among other things, topical UN affairs and international questions, such as North Korea and Syria, the development of transatlantic relations and Russia, Ukraine, and security in the North Atlantic. Topical EU issues will also be on the meeting agenda, including Brexit and the Western Balkans.

The Nordic foreign ministers meet approximately three times a year on the invitation of the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. This year, the Nordic Presidency is held by Sweden.

Inquiries: Riikka Taivassalo, Special Adviser to Minister Soini, tel. +358 46 923 4581, and Katja Luopajärvi, Counsellor, Unit for Northern Europe, tel. +358 50 436 6506.

The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].