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Public Regulated Service PRS of Galileo satellite navigation system to Finland in 2024

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 24.11.2020 11.52 | Published in English on 24.11.2020 at 13.06
Press release 730/2020
Kuva:  Shutterstock
Kuva: Shutterstock

The Government’s Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy decided on 24 November that Finland will start using the Public Regulated Service PRS of the European Galileo satellite navigation system during 2024.

The location and time data produced by satellite navigation systems have become a significant part of the everyday life of society. Many functions of a digital society would stop altogether or would not work properly without accurate data from satellites. Electricity grids, banking services and telecommunications networks depend on accurate location and time data to work as they should.

Galileo produces different kinds of location and time services. Most of the services are accessible to any user. Galileo is a global navigation system funded and controlled by the EU Member States. It is the only navigation system in the world that is in the control of civilian authorities. From the perspective of the EU Member States, even in crisis situations the use of the system does not involve any uncertainties with respect to security or trade policy that would be hard to predict. 

The introduction of the Public Regulated Service PRS is the most significant joint cyber security project of the EU Member States. When PRS has been implemented in the EU during 2024, it will produce location and time data for the Member States which, thanks to the encrypted and robust signal, is resistant to both intentional cyber attacks and unintentional disturbances.

PRS can only be used by operators in public administration and critical infrastructure companies specifically authorised by individual EU Member States. When the services is in use, public administration and other authorised operators will have access to authenticated location and time data that are independent of navigation systems outside Europe. This will significantly improve Finland’s cyber security and security of supply. 

The future user groups of PRS in Finland include the police, Customs, Defence Forces and rescue services, and companies in sectors that are critical in terms of the security of supply such as the energy, telecommunications, banking, transport and logistics sectors. The need for authenticated location and time data will grow in the future when the new-generation 5G mobile communications networks are introduced in Finland and the automation of transport proceeds.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has prepared for the national implementation of PRS in cooperation with seven other ministries: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Ministry of Finance. A total of EUR 18.5 million in appropriations will be allocated in 2021–2024 for building the national infrastructure for the service.

PRS will be introduced in Finland during 2024, and the aim is to have about 63,000 users in 2028. When the number of users has reached the target, the annual costs of the service in Finland to be covered by appropriations will be EUR 2.7 million.

Finland does not pay to the EU for using the services of Galileo, but as a Member State Finland contributes to the building and maintenance of Galileo by about EUR 30 million a year.

Inquiries: Requests for interviews with Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka: Susanna Niinivaara, Communications Director, tel. +358 400 816 187, susanna.niinivaara(at)lvm.fi; Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 400 316 178, maija.ahokas(at)lvm.fi