Government proposes legislative amendments to strengthen preparedness and readiness in healthcare and social welfare

The Government proposes amendments to the Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services concerning preparedness, readiness and incident management in both normal and emergency conditions. The proposal is based on the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government.
The proposal aims to provide sufficient powers for management and decision-making in healthcare and social welfare in the event of incidents under normal conditions, and in emergency conditions. The proposed amendments to the Act on Organising Healthcare and Social Welfare Services would make it possible to prepare for incidents affecting more than just a single wellbeing services county or for incidents on a national scale.
“The Government will strengthen preparedness and readiness in healthcare and social welfare through several legislative amendments. The aim of this proposal is to clarify management and increase powers in the event of serious incidents and in emergency conditions. The proposal will also contribute to meeting Finland’s obligations as a full member of NATO,” says Minister of Social Security Sanni Grahn-Laasonen.
Aiming to strengthen preparedness for threat scenarios identified in national risk assessment
The legislative amendments would enable the healthcare and social welfare sector to better prepare for threat scenarios identified in the national risk assessment, such as pandemics, terrorist attacks, cyber attacks, disruptions in energy supply, use of military force, mass influx of migrants, and for threats caused by chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials and agents.
The amendments would make it possible for Finland to better meet its obligations as a full member of NATO when it comes to healthcare and social welfare. The Defence Forces rely almost entirely on the wellbeing services counties’ healthcare and social welfare service system both under normal conditions and when there is a threat of war or during times of war. This requires that the healthcare and social welfare sector is able to act on a joint basis at the national level.
“With these amendments, we want to ensure that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the wellbeing services counties have the ability to safeguard the health, wellbeing and security of the people of Finland in all situations. In preparing the proposal, account was taken of the changed security situation and the lessons learnt and the shortcomings identified during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Grahn-Laasonen.
Five collaborative areas for healthcare and social welfare to play a stronger role
According to the proposal, the five collaborative areas for healthcare and social welfare formed by the wellbeing services counties would play a stronger role when it comes to preparedness and readiness in healthcare and social welfare. The wellbeing services counties would also in the future agree on the division of duties, cooperation and coordination concerning preparedness between the counties in a mutual cooperation agreement.
The proposal would confer powers on the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to manage incidents and emergencies in healthcare and social welfare at the national level. A national preparedness group for healthcare and social welfare would be established to support decision-making at the Ministry.
In addition to the chair and vice-chair appointed from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the group would include a member from the Ministry of Finance and one member from each wellbeing services county with a university hospital (Pirkanmaa, Southwest Finland, North Ostrobothnia and North Savo). The group would also have a member from HUS Group, the City of Helsinki and one wellbeing services county that does not operate a university hospital.
At the level of collaborative areas, guidance and management responsibilities are needed in situations where the resources of an individual county are not sufficient to manage a situation which threatens the security, health and wellbeing of the population. National guidance or management responsibilities, in turn, are needed in situations where the resources of an individual collaborative area are not sufficient to manage the situation. National powers are also necessary in situations the extent of which requires that resources be allocated in a nationally appropriate manner.
Proposal to proceed to Parliament for consideration
The legislative proposal was circulated for comments between 17 May 2024 and 28 June 2024. The proposal was specified on the basis of the comments received (45 in total). During further preparation, the modified draft proposal was discussed in a number of stakeholder events where wellbeing services counties, among others, were asked to provide their views on the modified draft proposal.
The proposal will next be submitted to Parliament for consideration. The proposed act is scheduled to enter into force as soon as possible.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is preparing several legislative projects that are related to preparedness in the healthcare and social welfare sector. The Ministry is preparing amendments, for example, to the Communicable Diseases Act, the Health Protection Act, the Act on the Compulsory Stockpiling of Medicinal Products and the legislation on Finland’s preparedness to provide and receive international assistance. The Ministry is also actively involved in the overhaul of the Emergency Powers Act, which is being prepared under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice.
Erkki Papunen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 163 298
Pekka Tulokas, Director for Preparedness, tel. +358 295 163 202
Niilo Heinonen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Social Security, tel. +358 295 163 603