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The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment grants funding to TE service pilots for 2021–2022

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 24.3.2021 15.03
Press release
A citizen in conversation with TE service civilservant.

The employment service pilots (TE pilots) launched by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment during spring 2021 are part of the Government’s working capacity programme, which aims to improve access to and conditions of employment for persons with partial work ability or disabilities, and to coordinate services better. 

With the help of the TE service pilots, the service needs of jobseekers with partial work ability will be identified better and jobseeker and employer services will be connected into one service package. The pilots will also seek educational opportunities for jobseekers and increase cooperation with organisations. The themes of the pilot projects have been chosen together with work ability coordinators, TE Offices and experts from the partnership network.

The eight areas selected for the pilot are:

  1. North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
  2. Uusimaa ELY Centre
  3. North Karelia ELY Centre
  4. South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
  5. Lapland ELY Centre
  6. Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
  7. Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
  8. Häme ELY Centre

A total of 13 ELY Centres applied for funding. The funding can be used for the procurement of services under the Act on public employment and business service and for employment policy projects. 

Jenni Wessman, Senior Specialist, +358 29 504 47034, [email protected]