Government outlined healthcare, social welfare and regional government reform package

Government Communications Department
Publication date 6.4.2016 10.11
Type:Press release 137/2016

Based on the negotiations and preparatory work carried out by the ministerial working group on reforms, the Government has agreed on further policy outlines on the healthcare and social welfare reform. These outlines steer legislative work on the reform of the organisation of healthcare and social welfare services and on the reform of the freedom of choice and the multichannel funding system.

In the same connection, the Government agreed on the responsibilities to be transferred to the level of county government.

The contents of the reform will be adopted in line with the issued outlines when the Government agrees to circulate the draft government proposal for comment.

Inquiries: Tuomas Pöysti, Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 163 012


Government policy: duties of county government, issued on 5.4.2016 (in Finnish)
Slide presentation: Government policy on healthcare, social welfare and regional government, issued on 5.4.2016
Policy outline on healthcare, social welfare and regional government, issued on 5.4.2016 (in Finnish)

Anu Vehviläinen Hanna Mäntylä Juha Rehula Petteri Orpo alueuudistus-arkisto government sote-uudistus