The Government selected themes for strategic research for 2016

Government Communications Department
Publication date 15.10.2015 13.42
Type:Press release 549/2015

In its plenary session on Thursday, 15 October the Government reached a decision on the key themes and priority areas for strategic research for 2016. The selected key themes are: knowledge, know-how and the changing working life; health and the changing of lifestyles; overall security in a global environment; and the dynamics of urbanisation. The Government also decided that a common priority area for 2016 would be to take into consideration the effects of migration on Finnish society.

The Government makes decisions on the key themes and priority areas for strategic research annually following the Strategic Research Council’s initiative. The authority for this funding instrument for strategic research for 2016 amounts to EUR 55.6 million. The Strategic Research Council will announce the application dates in due course.

The Strategic Research Council’s purpose is to finance long-term, solution-focused and programme-based research that generates new solutions to major societal challenges in Finland. The research lends support to public policies and the functions and services of society. The Government makes the decisions on the key themes and priority areas for strategic research. The Strategic Research Council makes decisions on the framework of programmes, organising applications and the selection of research projects, and is responsible for monitoring and impact assessment. The evaluation criteria used in the selection of projects to be funded are the project’s societal relevance, impact and scientific quality.  

Alongside the strategic research activities, the Government can make use of its analysis, assessment and research activities (TEAS). They are used to finance research projects and analyses conducted within a shorter time frame in order to support decision-making. This autumn, alternative ways of carrying out the basic income pilot study and creating an experimentation fund will be examined. The basic income pilot study will be launched shortly and the Government will outline its policy on the experimentation model next year.

In its analysis, assessment and research activities, the Government prioritises projects that support the key projects for the government term.


Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel.  +358 295 160 300, Prime Minister’s Office, and Tuomas Vanhanen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 530 216


Government analysis, assessment and research activities

Strategic Research Council