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Finland’s 2030 Agenda Voluntary National Review
Finland at the forefront of international sustainable development comparisons

Government Communications DepartmentNational Commission on Sustainable Development
Publication date 3.6.2020 7.00 | Published in English on 3.6.2020 at 11.13
Press release 383

Finland has achieved or is close to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty alleviation, health, education, water and energy, reducing inequality, peace and the rule of law. Finland’s greatest challenges have to do with climate change, consumption and production patterns, biodiversity and the level of funding for development cooperation. This information comes from Finland’s 2030 Agenda Voluntary National Review, which was published today.

The Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals have guided UN Member States on their path to sustainable development since 2016. The 2030 Agenda aims to increase wellbeing within the limits of nature’s carrying capacity and to eradicate extreme poverty. The implementation of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda will continue until 2030. Progress on the goals in different countries is monitored through voluntary national reviews (VNRs). Finland’s second VNR is now complete.

According to the report, Finland is at the top of international sustainable development comparisons alongside the other Nordic countries. Finland is doing well on a number of the 2030 Agenda goals related to social sustainability, the economy and work.

The Sustainable Development Goals and long-term intergenerational thinking continue to form the basis for sustainable wellbeing in Finland. The aim of the current Government is to transform Finland into a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable society by 2030,” says Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Chair of the National Commission on Sustainable Development, at the beginning of the report.

Finland’s main challenges concern the need to change consumption and production patterns, strengthening climate measures, halting biodiversity loss and supporting other countries in their implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

“Economic growth needs to benefit the people and the planet. At the same time, climate action must improve people’s health and wellbeing and create new economic prosperity and jobs. The wellbeing of people and societies should be created without harming the environment,” Marin continues.

According to the report, Finland has succeeded in combating inequality thanks to its extensive social security and good educational opportunities, among other factors. However, many people belonging to visible minorities experience discrimination in Finland. The guiding principle of the 2030 Agenda is that no one should be left behind.

Finland has received international praise for the ways in which society as a whole is encouraged to participate, and Finland’s new national review was also produced with extensive participation from Finnish society. Various actors in society contributed to the report, including representatives from industry, civil society, cities and regions, the scientific community and youth. The report focuses on assessing Finland’s progress towards each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The assessment was carried out jointly by the Government authorities and more than 50 organisations.

Inquiries: Marja Innanen, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 40 777 5582, Prime Minister’s Office