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Demokratiahuippukokous pohtii miten päivittää perinteisiä demokratioita

Julkaisuajankohta 29.3.2023 10.54 | Julkaistu suomeksi 6.4.2023 klo 14.10

Demokratiahuippukokous kokoaa yhteen lähes sadan maan päättäjät keskustelemaan demokratian edistämisestä. 29.-30.3. järjestettävään huippukokoukseen on kutsuttu mukaan myös maita, joissa demokratian vakiintuminen on vasta alkutaipaleella.

President of the Republic Sauli Niinistö will represent Finland at the Summit for Democracy, and Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto will address the Summit in a video message.

Among the topics of the virtual sessions are participation of special groups in decision-making, media freedom, and equality questions.

Finland has especially highlighted the themes of inclusion and equality, the rule of law, and technology and democracy. The leaders of the participating countries will also adopt a declaration at the Summit.


Democracy delivers human rights

The Summit for Democracy was held for the first time in 2021 on the initiative of President of the United States Joe Biden. Finland, too, made commitments at the first Summit to promote democracy globally and at home.

Finland has prepared within the framework of its long-standing democracy work a National Democracy Programme 2025, national measures to fight corruption, Finland’s democracy work in the multilateral system, and Finland’s support for democracy and the rule of law.

Finland has compiled a report on the progress of its commitments. The report was a collaboration between the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Political Parties of Finland for Democracy (Demo Finland), the Rule of Law Centre operating under the University of Helsinki, and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra.