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Support for organisational information security, comments invited on information security vouchers

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 28.6.2022 14.40
Press release

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on draft government decree on supporting the development of information security, i.e. the so-called information security vouchers. The proposed new, fixed-term support could be used by organisations for improving, in concrete terms, the information security of their systems and for developing their own information security expertise. Raising the general level of cyber security preparedness in sectors that are most in need of support would improve the society's capabilities to protect against hybrid threats, for example.

The information security voucher would be directed to businesses and associations in sectors critical to the functioning of society. Organisations could use the support for auditing and evaluating information systems, threat modelling and testing of cyber attack prevention, training of personnel and developing competence, for instance.

The proposed changes are based on the second supplementary budget for 2022, in which the branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications was allocated EUR 6 million for improving information security in Finnish businesses. The allocation could be used for fixed-term information security vouchers for businesses and associations as well as for their key service providers in sectors critical to the functioning of society.

What's next?

The deadline for comments on the draft decree is 22 July 2022. All organisations and private individuals may submit comments at www.lausuntopalvelu.fi. After the consultation round, the legislative drafting will continue by public officials.

The aim is that the decree become effective in autumn 2022.


Mari Marttila, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 (0)29 535 2933, [email protected]

Maija Ahokas, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 718 6178, [email protected], Twitter: @mmaija