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Ministers responsible for cohesion policy to discuss new EU Cohesion Report

Government Communications Department
Publication date 1.6.2022 13.17
Press release 354/2022

The EU ministers responsible for cohesion policy will meet at the General Affairs Council in Luxembourg on Thursday 2 June. The Council will exchange views on the eighth Cohesion Report, entitled ‘Cohesion in Europe towards 2050’, and adopt Council conclusions on it. Vesa Vuorenkoski, State Secretary to Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Tytti Tuppurainen, will represent Finland at the meeting.

The Commission published its eighth Cohesion Report and issued a Communication on it on 4 February 2022. The Communication presents the main changes in territorial disparities over the past decade and describes how various policies have affected these disparities. The Communication highlights the potential of the green and digital transitions as new drivers of growth in the EU.

The Council conclusions on the report are acceptable for Finland. Finland emphasises that cohesion policy is a key EU funding instrument for promoting sustainable growth, employment and competence across the EU territory. There is a particular need to support the least developed regions in the EU. One important specific issue for Finland is support for Northern Sparsely Populated Areas. Cohesion policy can also help to boost private investment in green targets.

Inquiries: Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist for EU Affairs, tel. +358 50 576 7745, Saara Pokki, Special Adviser, tel. +358 50 478 6363, Prime Minister’s Office