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There's still time to nominate a recipient for the International Gender Equality Prize

Government Communications Department
Publication date 21.12.2018 10.30
News item 631/2018

The call for proposals for the Finnish Government’s International Gender Equality Prize (IGEP) is open until the end of the year. The prize will be awarded in autumn 2019 to a person or organisation that has promoted gender equality in an internationally significant way.

Entries submitted by the general public will be sent for evaluation to the jury, which will make its recommendation for the winning entry to the Government. The Government will make the final decision on the recipient of the prize.

The members of the jury for 2019 are Pekka Haavisto, Member of Parliament and chair of the jury; Eva Biaudet, President of the National Council of Women of Finland; Katja Iversen, President and CEO of Women Deliver; Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Member of the European Parliament; and Dean Peacock, co-founder and Co-Executive Director of South African NGO Sonke Gender Justice.

The prize was established in 2017 in honour of the 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence, and it was first awarded to Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, whose life’s work has made her one of the world’s most influential people and an example to many women and girls.

The prize of EUR 300,000 is not granted for the personal benefit of the winner. Instead, the winner is asked to assign the money to a cause that advances gender equality. Chancellor Merkel assigned her prize money (EUR 150,000 in 2017) to an NGO working to promote the rights of women and children in Niger. The organisation, SOS Femmes et Enfants Victimes de Violence Familiale, is using the prize money to build a residential shelter for victims of domestic violence in the Nigerien capital of Niamey.

The International Gender Equality Prize is awarded once every two years in cooperation with the City of Tampere.

Proposals must be submitted in English and they are accepted until 31 December 2018 on the IGEP website at: www.genderequalityprize.fi/en.