Government proposes more effective procedure for compensating the building of barriers on eastern border

Ministry of the Interior
Publication date 23.1.2025 14.04
Type:Press release

The Government proposes that the procedure for compensating the building of permanent barriers, such as the fence on the eastern border, will be made more effective. The Government submitted a proposal for amending the Board Guard Act to Parliament on 23 January.

The Finnish Border Guard pays compensation to owners and holders of land and water areas for any damage or inconvenience caused by construction and clearing work related to the building of permanent barriers in the border zone. According to the government proposal, decisions on such compensation would in future be made in accordance with the Act on the Expropriation of Immovable Property and Special Rights.

Compensation issues would be decided by an expropriation commission led by a cadastral land surveyor of the National Land Survey of Finland. At present, decisions on compensation are made by the Finnish Border Guard under the Border Guard Act. However, the Border Guard would continue to make decisions on construction and clearing work in accordance with the Border Guard Act.

The proposal is based on the fact that the National Land Survey of Finland has more expertise and experience than the Border Guard in various special issues related to real estate, which must be taken into account when assessing compensation.

The Border Guard would also continue to pay the compensation as it does now. The legislative amendments are scheduled to enter into force on 1 April 2025.

Sanna Palo, Chief of Legal Division, Ministry of the Interior, tel. +358 295 421 601, [email protected]
Mauri Asmundela, Director, National Land Survey of Finland, te. +358 40 576 8944, [email protected]