Finland needs an efficient, safe and sustainable transport system – draft Transport 12 Plan circulated for comments

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 20.12.2024 11.10 | Published in English on 23.12.2024 at 8.09
Type:Press release
Kuva rekasta ajamassa lumisella maantiellä metsän keskellä.
A truck driving on a snowy road. (Image: Shutterstock)

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on the updates to the national 12-year transport system plan Transport 12 and on the environmental report. The deadline for submitting comments is 5 March 2025.

“The focus in the transport sector is now on the basics. The transport network will be built for the Finnish needs, and the scarce resources will primarily be targeted to taking care of the present roads and railways. Transport projects will strengthen Finland’s security and economy and ensure that tonnes of goods and modes of transport will continue to move in all parts of Finland and in all circumstances,” Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne says.

The updates to the Transport 12 Plan will concern the years 2026–2037 and its vision extends to 2050. The plan includes an action plan and a central government funding programme. A draft environmental report under the Act on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment, including an impact assessment of the draft plan, will also be sent out for comments.

The objectives of the plan have been updated as well:

  1. Functioning
  2. Security
  3. Sustainability

The aim is to reach the objectives of the Transport 12 Plan in a way that takes into account the cost-effectiveness, accessibility and crisis resilience of the transport system. To reach the objectives, an action plan has been drawn up that covers all modes of transport, passenger and good transport, transport and communication networks, services, and support measures for the transport system, including traffic control and development of the digital and technological environment for transport. 

The implementation of the Transport 12 Plan is also guided by regional priorities. Through these, the aim is to take the special characteristics of different regions into account in developing the transport system. Regional actors have been consulted for the preparation of the regional priorities.

Key focus of the funding programme on basic transport infrastructure management

The central government funding programme contains the estimated appropriations for the development and maintenance of the transport system in 2026–2037. The programme proposes that the level of funding for basic transport infrastructure management should be increased considerably. The aim is to stop the growth in the repair backlog and ensure an adequate level of the transport network and services. 

The funding for basic transport infrastructure management in 2026–2037 totals more than EUR 20 billion, of which at least EUR 400 million will be allocated to improvement. About EUR 6 billion will be allocated to developing the transport network and EUR 1.8 billion to services and subsidies.

The challenging situation in terms of public finances has been taken into account in the programme, and its implementation will depend on the budget and spending limit decisions. The programme is funded from the appropriations of the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Transport 12 Plan promotes a long-term approach to developing the transport system

The National Transport System Plan Transport 12 is a strategic plan for developing the transport system in Finland. The purpose of the plan is to promote a long-tern approach to the development of the transport system. The plan covers all modes of transport and increases the use of data and knowledge in the decision-making.

The decision on the first Transport 12 Plan for 2021–2032 was made in April 2021. The plan is updated during each government term. The current process to update the Transport 12 Plan was started in summer 2023. The preparation of the plan is based on up-to-date information, impact assessments and diverse cooperation among different stakeholders.

The Government appointed a parliamentary working group on 19 October 2023 to support the process to update the Transport 12 Plan and formulate a view of its content. The working group is chaired by Minister of Transport and Communications Lulu Ranne and it has members from all the parties in Parliament. The parliamentary working group has not given its opinion on the draft plan now circulated for comments.

What’s next?

Comments on the draft for the Transport 12 Plan and the environmental report can be submitted until 5 Match 2025. All organisations and private individuals may submit comments online at Feedback received from the consultation will be taken into account in the next steps to prepare the plan. A summary of the feedback will be published in the Gateway to Information on Government Projects (in Finnish).

The final updated version of the Transport 12 Plan is to be submitted to Parliament during autumn session 2025.


Requests for interviews with Minister Ranne:
Tuomas Sorsa, Special Adviser, tel. +358 29 534 2012, 

Inquiries about the Transport 12 Plan and the environmental report:
Kaisa Kuukasjärvi, Senior Ministerial Adviser, kaisa.kuukasjarvi(at), tel. +358 295 342 030