Ukrainians enjoying temporary protection to have extended residence permits without application procedure

A temporary amendment to the Aliens Act will ensure the validity of residence permits issued in Finland to beneficiaries of temporary protection for as long as the temporary protection is in effect in the EU. A person's first residence permit will be issued directly for the entire period of validity of the temporary protection. Moreover, those who have already received residence permits will not need to apply for an extension separately. The President of the Republic approved the legislative amendment on 29 December.
Holders of residence permits can prove their right of residence with a residence permit card. With the amendment, the validity of the residence permit cards of those enjoying temporary protection will also be extended for the duration of the residence permit. If they so wish, holders of residence permits can apply to the Finnish Immigration Service for a new card with updated information on the validity of the permit and card, for example for travel purposes.
This temporary amendment will be in force between 19 January 2023 and 4 March 2025. The Finnish Immigration Service will inform their clients enjoying temporary protection of the amendment.
Council Decision requires EU Member States to provide temporary protection
The temporary protection currently in place in the EU lasts for one year from the entry into force of the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382, i.e. until 4 March 2023. After that, the temporary protection will be extended automatically for another year, unless the Council decides to end it. The Council may also decide to extend the temporary protection for an additional year. Under the Temporary Protection Directive, the total duration may not exceed three years.
While the decision is in force, Finland and all other EU Member States are obligated to grant temporary protection to the group specified in the decision and to issue a residence permit to indicate it. Finland has issued residence permits on the basis of temporary protection to about 45,000 people who have fled Ukraine.
Kukka Krüger, Chief Specialist, tel. +358 295 488 270, [email protected]
Valtioneuvoston yleisistunto 29.12.2022 VN 113/2022 (In Finnish)
Tasavallan presidentin esittely 29.12.2022 TP 114/2022 (In Finnish)