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Government decisions

In its plenary sessions, the Government decides on major issues and important matters of principle, such as government proposals to be submitted to Parliament, government communications and reports. The Government also issues decrees, makes appointments and proposes draft government decisions to be presented in presidential sessions. 

Matters of particular financial or other significance are considered by the Ministerial Finance Committee before a decision is made. 

A presidential session of the Government is one at which decisions are taken by the President of the Republic. The President of the Republic approves bills passed by Parliament, for example.

Plenary sessions are usually held on Thursdays after the meeting of the Ministerial Finance Committee, which starts at 13.00, and presidential sessions are usually held once every two weeks on Fridays at 11.00. Agendas for government plenary sessions and presidential sessions are published at around 15.30 on the day before the session. Decisions and press releases concerning them are published after the sessions.

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13.6. Valtioneuvoston yleisistunto
13.6. Raha-asiainvaliokunta
13.6. Tasavallan presidentin esittely
Valtioneuvoston istuntosali.

Uutiskirje valtioneuvoston päätöksistä

Torstaisin ilmestyvä uutiskirje kokoaa viikon keskeiset valtioneuvoston yleisistunnon, raha-asiainvaliokunnan ja tasavallan presidentin esittelyn päätökset. 
